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A Little Girl's Quest from Severe Eczema to Healthy Skin

About Us: Welcome

About Us


Welcome! Since you are stopping by, chances are that you or a loved one are fighting a beast named eczema, and this might be one of your numerous attempts to look for help online. I was in the same boat just a few years ago. My name is Lea, and I am a mom of two. For the first few years of her life, my daughter Daniela also lived with this unexpected and uninvited "guest". And during those years, I spent countless hours searching high and low for an answer. 


When Daniela was five years old, we found a treatment that turned our life around. Within two months, she went from a severe case of atopic dermatitis to completely clear and itch-free skin.  To this day, it feels a bit surreal to say that she has been eczema-free since then. Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is usually described as a chronic condition with no cure, and one simply has to accept and deal with it. My daughter is proof that this is not always the case.


Daniela's eczema started with small red spots when she was a baby, progressing over years into a widespread rash and incredibly itchy red blotches all over her body. Despite the many visits to dermatologists, allergists, and other specialists, her condition got more and more out of control with each passing year. By the age of five, a majority of her skin was affected; it felt like it was in a state of a permanent flare-up. The well-meant comments from friends and family, saying that she would eventually outgrow it, seemed far from realistic.


As a caretaker of a child or loved one with eczema, you know firsthand how much this condition affects every aspect of your child's life, and what's more, the life of the whole family. This site describes our family’s five-year battle, which eventually and most importantly resulted in a victory. The changes in my daughter's health and our family’s lives "with eczema" and "after eczema" were so profound that I wanted to shout from the rooftops! 


Please be aware that I am not a doctor nor a medical professional, and I am not here to offer medical advice. You will not find here any "guaranteed" products that heal eczema, either. I am simply sharing our story that ended the best possible way; with a healthy little girl.


Eczema is an incredibly complex condition, and while the treatment we used is not guaranteed to heal everyone, I hope it may inspire other sufferers.  If our experience, which I will relate here, helps you or your loved one feel better, encourages you to try new treatments, or simply gives you hope for the future, then this site will have fulfilled its purpose.

To read The Eczema Kid story, click here.

To read about Our Path to Recovery, click here.
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I am not a medical professional. The information presented on this web site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment of specific medical conditions. Always seek the help of a medical professional regarding a medical condition, treatment, diet or lifestyle change.

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